Sunday, March 18, 2012

And Cable Hats too...

It's a good thing I made this a bit big; I'm not sure the boys will get to wear them this year as temps in Maine have been soaring. At least they are finished... and used up some scrap yarn too. I don't know why it's incredibly rewarding to use up scrap yarn...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Spring Sweaters for Maine!

Bring on the cold!

We are counting the days until our Spring trip to Maine. We have all been through some bouts of 'homesickness'; 7 months is too long to go without seeing family and friends!

I realized last month that we may actually see some snow in Maine. I whipped up these two sweaters for the boys and am quite happy with how they turned out. The pattern is called 'Caelum' and can be found on Ravelry.

Seriously, I cannot believe they stood together for this pic!

Beautiful Dylan.

Happy Laird!

Lairdy Pants.

Speaking of Ravelry...
I have been knitting seriously for about 8 years now. Self-taught via youtube and knitting videos. This is the first time I have ever uploaded pics and pattern to Ravlery. Very proud. Check it out if you are a member!