33 is:
-The age of my husband
-The coming age of a hobbit in the Lord of the Rings
-The international code for dialing France
-The mysterious number printed on Rolling Rock Beer labels
-The name of a Nigerian brand of beer '33'
-The atomic number for arsenic
-The number of miracles performed by Jesus, and his age when crucified
-Patric Roy's jersey number for the Montreal Canadians
-Larry Bird's jersey number for the Celtics
-Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's jersey number for the LA Lakers
It is also the number of week's I've managed to stay pregnant. Two of my doctors came in this morning shocked that I am still pregnant... It's truly amazing to think that I checked in to the hospital at 22 weeks, wondering if I would make it to 23. I am still 3 cm dilated and 100% effaced. It could happen any minute.
Rich and I are in waiting... We are in hosptial room lockdown... Wondering when our miracle boys will join us.
I am enjoying every kick and every movement of these two boys, knowing that it is only a matter of time...
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